Sunday, April 14, 2013

Summer Komikon 2013 - A Tale of Awe

It was an experience that awed me.

I have been in a couple of events but never as an exhibitor nor a participant. This time was different. It was a test of nerves. Because I have been reluctant to take part in an industry I love since I sneaking out as a kid and paying nickels and dimes to read Funny komiks, Aliwan, Pilipino and other titles we followed then.

I came in with these sample titles I have been meaning to put out, and it was John Nano and Conde Amor who opened the rabbit hole.

Si Ching, Si Ana at Si Badong will be a
komiks series for children,
and it will be someting that engages
the child to make up their own stories
 on a "blank" copy.

At 10:30am, John was antsy, feeling a bit peeved that no one seems to notice us. I elbowed him into thinking it's still early. True enough, a few stopped by and looked and perused the pages of Kuatrokanto, which is John's own story and artwork being launched that day. And a pretty young lady accompanied by her boyfriend, whom I noticed was the same girl I took a jeepney ride with going to UP. It's where I had my Komiks Sampler printed. John switched into his ususal charm and gab, and soon enough we had our first buyer!

Chicken Wings is taking flight!
We had breakfast as early as 7:45am, but we weren't prepared for the deluge. It was wave after wave of people passing, stopping, looking asking. Conde had a grand time looking over titles everywhere he could find, and there was a lot. Clark navarro, our new friend who's into cosplay really did have some visitors who are asking about the services.

Sambuig is an old pet project finally
getting written and illustrated.
Meanwhile, even if If I wanted, I was really geeking it out, eyes wide at the known artists just an amrs reach. Earlier, I did buy a Wasted reprint from Gerry Alanguilan, and I was blown away by the man's quiet demeanor and welcoming smile.

The flagship.
Diverse Augmentation Infused Operative
will be published at the next Komikon this
And it was only our brownies, baked and prepared by Akel who took us through a no-break lunchtime, because it was really THAT busy. Even the other guys close to us got a taste of it. The brownies. I mean.

The short stories are now in continuance. Finally.

From hereon in, it was a steady flow of people, and before we know it it was past 5pm, and we really did sell some copies, in fact it was beyond what we expected. Although it could be the brownies, we offered them as free with every purchase, or the free Pussy Trail and Komiks Sampler included in the sale.

It doesn't matter. What we wanted is to let people know we were there. And my titles get it's proper exposure - the komiks reading crowd - and we did have a fun time. Though, I fear John's voice might be a bit hoarse today, he did all the talking. I did most of the shooting.

I was also taken by the sheer dedication and love by artists, writers and readers alike for  Komiks. Maybe thiese are what really convinced me to finally get to writing and illustrating
The Haraya Crew

You can view the rest of the 5th Summer Komikon 2013 HERE

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