Being a total noob with writing and publishing, I may have put too many eggs in my basket.
Oh the book is coming along nicely, with so many short stories and ideas I have written down, some of them committed to memory, it's driving me nuts just to keep track.
Now, I've come encountered a bump in the road. Two, actually. Like I said, there's just too many stories for just one book. And the second bump - I don't have enough funds to go all-writer and publish a book as thick as the white pages.
So while editing and proof reading myself, I've come to terms and settled for a couple of economical and practical ways to pursue my delusions of being a writer and illustrator at the same time. Because my short stories, narratives or whatever you may call them have a word count ranging from 900 to 12,000 words, and they are a lot of titles. So, here it is:
TATTERED SHORTS will be available on February 22, 2018. It's a Thursday, when I play bass and sing myself silly with a couple of outstanding musicians, Pepe and Jerome, and myself, otherwise known as The Komradze [mk II] at Bambu Intramuros. The book is set at 7"x8.5" and will have at least 10 stories and illustrations. The good part is I still have a lot to put in the next book - DISCARDED SHORTS. hat is if I could pool enough funds for both.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. TATTERED SHORTS will be the initial offering for my own VisualNoise venture, with Mike Carlo as partner, whom I think is good natured enough not to show his impatience (we will get through this bro). DISCARDED SHORTS will follow, and eventually those illustrated graphic komiks novels, of which I will blog from time to time.
Yes, I know I haven't been blogging for sometime, but since I have decided to write more, draw more and play music, there's no better time than now.
If you haven't been following this blog, better do it now for more updates.